Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Camp Olmsted - Tuesday

Hello from Camp Olmsted,

After serious discussion about being respectful of others at camp the day before, we (as well as many other Troops that slept near us) were treated with being able to sleep until close to 7am this morning. A Scout is Courteous!  

I would like to highlight a very proud moment for the Troop as Steve Meree, very easily I might add, volunteered to say the morning Grace on the parade field to the entire Camp during B Breakfast this morning.  Steve represented out Troop well!

A Scout is Reverent
After a big breakfast of pancakes, sausage and yogurt, the boy were ready to start their 2nd day of Merit badges and rank requirements.  Lunch starts around 12:20pm and the next MB class starts at 3pm so they have lots of free time.  As is the tradition here at Olmsted, we don't eat our lunch inside the dining hall.  The boys found it quite easy to grab a few picnic tables under the trees where they quickly prepared and served chicken sandwiches and a fruit cup to the Troop. 

A Scout is Helpful!
After lunch, we had another Troop shoot but this time at the shotgun range.  There were a couple of scouts that embarrassed the adults with perfect scores at skeet shooting.  Also, our scouts took this time for patrols to go take showers!   Yes.... it's true, they took a shower at camp.  It might be the only one for the whole week.  Also it was during this time that we discovered that Justin and Felix were probably lumberjacks in a past life!  The ax yard has been a pretty popular place during free time.

Chopping wood for our campfire tonight

Chopping wood

In the evening, after the boys' afternoon MBs, we started to prepare for cooking our foil dinner at our campsite.  On the menu was precooked Kielbasa, potatoes, carrots, and PBJ sandwiches.   For dessert, we were treated to apple pie.  Of course, since we had a fire, Jack Entsminger took the opportunity to lead us in a campfire program with skits, music and the singing of vespers.  A perfect way to end the day!

Photos from Tuesday are found in the Online Photo Gallery


  1. Look loke a lot of fun !! Have great days, Felix (and all the others) !!! Carsten P.
