Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Camp Olmsted - Monday

The next time your boys tell you "It's too early".  Don't you believe it!  

Troop 58 Scouts were up around 6am this morning with lots of energy, while the adults leaders were quite happy to stay in bed until closer to 7am.  The Scouts must have been very eager to start their merit badge classes.  We started off with a pretty good breakfast of eggs, hash browns and bacon.  After eating, the boys were off to start their week full of MB classes!

After a morning of MBs and a pretty good lunch of chicken sandwiches, we headed off to our first Troop Shoot at the rifle range.  With the range reserved for just our Troop, the boys got in a lot of target practice.

Troop Shoot at the rifle range

Monday started off great with all of the scouts attending their merit badge classes, but a thunderstorm loomed in the distance threatening to dump a lot of rain on us.  Despite the flash flood warnings that were reported by the staff, we got really lucky and only had about an hour of light rain right before dinner time.  With their merit badge classes over, the boys wasted no time dancing and playing in the rain.  A boys dream, huh?

Playing frisbee in the rain
After dinner, we headed back to our campsite just as the rain stopped but our evening of fun was cut a bit short.  The Camp staff rang the emergency alarm and all of the campsites were on lock down for about 90 minutes.  The emergency ended up only being a false alarm.  One of the scouts at camp forgot his buddy tag on the board after he got out of the Lake, and nobody could find him.  It was very reassuring that the camp staff was on the ball with locking down the campsites and finding the scout that left his tag on the board.  Some lessons are learned the hard way!

Photos from Monday are found in the Online Photo Gallery


  1. This is a fantastic blog. Thanks for keeping us updated on the fun and adventure y'all are having at camp. Glad you didn't have the storm that was threatening.
